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What Is Fungal Acne And How Can You Treat It?

by | Jul 21, 2020

Did you know that up to 85% of Australians will experience acne in their lifetime? Whether your concern is blackheads, whiteheads or hormonal acne, our estheticians know how to tackle acne with clinically proven skin treatments and paramedical skincare products. One particular type of acne that is sometimes slightly more difficult to clear up is fungal acne.


Fungal acne is a hair follicle infection caused by an overgrowth of yeast that naturally lives in your skin. It results in inflamed hair follicles, small whiteheads and skin irritation that typically occurs on your upper body and face.

It is important to note that this type of acne is not acne vulgaris, the most common form of acne caused by oil and bacteria congestion. These are two different skincare concerns that require varying treatments, which is why it’s necessary to get an esthetician to determine which type of acne you are experiencing.

Unknowingly trying anti-acne treatments to clear up your skin can make fungal acne much worse. The good news is that fungal acne is fairly simple to treat!



The best way to tell if you have fungal acne is by simply observing your own skin. This type of acne can look like bacterial acne, however, there are several distinct characteristics that you should look out for.

The first thing you might notice if you’re experiencing fungal acne is that your breakouts get itchy. Itchiness is usually a good indicator of fungal acne because it is experienced less in people suffering from bacterial acne.

You might find that the size of your whiteheads is consistently the same everywhere. Bacterial acne usually causes pimples, blackheads and whiteheads of varying sizes, so uniformity is another good indicator of a fungal infection.

If you have fungal acne, you may also notice that you have clusters of these small whiteheads on your arms, back and chest, although it can also appear on your face. Bacterial acne is typically seen in breakouts that are randomly spaced apart and primarily on the face.



Fungal infections are caused by an overgrowth of yeast, so to treat this condition on the surface of the skin, you must go to the root of the problem. The body should always maintain a healthy balance of fungi and bacteria, and problems like fungal acne start to arise when this balance is disrupted. Here are the key causes:

Humidity and Trapped Moisture

Yeast thrives in warm and damp environments and will begin to grow in your clothing if these conditions are met. Similarly, if you live in a humid area, you’re more at risk of developing an imbalance of fungi.

Friction and Tight Clothing

If you’re skin is frequently exposed to friction and restricted air flow caused by tight clothing, you increase the chances of developing a yeast infection.


Some medications like the persistent use of antibiotics can cause an imbalance because they reduce the amount of bacteria in your body.

Suppressed Immune System

Immune systems are usually in charge of controlling the amount of yeast in your body. Compromised or suppressed immune systems make it more challenging to regulate a healthy balance of fungi and bacteria.

Imbalanced diet

Fungal infections feed off of carbohydrates and sugars, so starchy-vegetables, sweets and bread without a balance of other foods will eventually lead to an overload of yeast.


There are several ways you can address a fungal infection at the root cause, from reviewing your lifestyle and maintaining healthy habits to taking care of your skin. The below treatments also act as preventative measures after a breakout of fungal acne has been eliminated.

Change out of wet clothes and shower more regularly

To fight fungal infections, it’s always a good idea to shower immediately after a sweaty session at the gym or swim. Similarly, if you live in an area with high humidity, showering more frequently on a day-to-day basis and drying off thoroughly can slow the infection.

Eating a healthy balanced diet

Unsurprisingly, you can address quite a few skin concerns by maintaining a healthy gut biome with a balanced diet. Eating well can limit hormonal skin issues, and staying hydrated can also save the skin from dryness and breakouts.

Wear loose-fitted and breathable clothing

Increasing air circulation day to day will keep your skin’s moisture level at a healthy amount. Moisture-wicking fabrics like polyester are really good for regulating your skin, letting it breathe, absorbing moisture and drying before it can lead to infection.

Swap out your body wash once a week

One novel way to make use of anti-dandruff shampoo is applying it to active fungal acne breakouts. Ingredients such as selenium sulphide and pyrithione zinc can be quite helpful! All you need to do is apply some product to the site of inflammation, leave it on for a couple of minutes and rinse it off.

Look for these active ingredients in skincare products

Sulphur is an excellent ingredient for treating fungal acne, like our DMK acu Masque. You can also look for products with green tea and azelaic acid to help maintain the balance of your skin biome. Our DMK Enbioment Range is also an excellent paramedical skincare option that works as a “probiotic for the skin”. We recommend avoiding thick, oily products to prevent moisture from being trapped from escaping your skin. Visit our Edward St clinic to browse our range of DMK products.

Anti fungal treatments and medication

If your fungal acne is stubborn, you can also use an over-the-counter or prescription-strength treatment.


If you’re dealing with a skincare situation, whether it’s acne, fungal acne, or ageing concerns, book in for a skin consultation with us here at Simply Laser. We use the latest technology to perform a thorough analysis of your skin and diagnose conditions, and we can find skin irregularities with True UV that you wouldn’t be able to spot in the mirror. Once we analyse your skin, we can offer advice, products and treatments for your specific concerns. Book with us to get started on resolving any skin conditions or concerns today!

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